Mass spectrometric imaging (MSI) provides two-dimensional mass spectrometric data enabling to visualize the distribution of analytes e.g. on tissue slices.

We have established MSI on a MALDI-TOF instrument. Here, the tissue is placed on a conductive slide and coated with a suitable MALDI matrix prior to the MS measurement.

Typical analytes for MALDI-MSI are:

  • Peptides (tryptic and non-tryptic)
  • Small proteins (max. up to 30 kDa)
  • Glycans and glycopeptides
  • Lipids
  • other metabolites

Please note that due to the lack of separation prior to the MS measurement, analytes need to be high abundant and/or easy to ionize to be measured in a MALDI-MSI experiment.

MALDI-MSI measurements can be performed in research cooperation projects. If you are interested in this technique, please write an email to Maria Riedner.